How to Uninstall Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Easy Steps to Uninstall Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software

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Dragon NaturallySpeaking software is very powerful tool that make your writing work easy with accuracy. But if due to some reasons you need to uninstall the Dragon software, then you can uninstall it easily. Your reason may be anything. This article will guide you on how to uninstall Dragon NaturallySpeaking software without any hassle.

Here are different ways to uninstall the Dragon program from your computer. Please read the full article.

Uninstall Dragon NaturallySpeaking Program through the Windows Control Panel

It is recommended method to uninstall Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking program from your computer. Have a look.

  1. First of all, press the window key and R key together to open the Run box, and then type Control and hit the enter button. This command will open the Control Panel of your system.
  2. Go to Programs and Features.
  3. Select the Dragon NaturallySpeaking software.
  4. After this, click on the Uninstall button.
  5. It will ask to confirm uninstall the Dragon software. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion and your program will be uninstalled from your computer.

Uninstall Dragon Naturally Speaking Program from the Removal Tool

The second method to uninstall the Dragon software is from the removal tool. Please check the given methods to uninstall the program.

  1. Click here to download the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Removal tool.
  2. Save the DPG_DPI_15_Cleaner.exe file to the desktop.
  3. Before uninstalling the Dragon program it is recommended to take a backup for the future.
  4. Run the Cleaner file that you download.
  5. Follow the instructions that show on your computer screen to uninstall the Dragon program.
  6. Restart your computer when the uninstall process is completed.

These are the different methods to uninstall the Dragon Naturally program without any hassle.


We hope now you can easily uninstall the Dragon software from your computer. If you face any issues then feel free to contact Dictation Experts to get instant help. Our technicians will guide you to uninstall the Dragon program.

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